

"This photographic series documents the frequently unnoticed urban and rural architecture in the Rio Grande Valley. 通过这些图像, I reflect on the motifs and attributes of many abandoned houses and commercial buildings and their own unique esthetic, as well as what they represent to me as a visual artist while I contemplate their stoic presence. 在我的工作中, 我遵循传统的面无表情风格, which is very popular in medium format film 摄影 and is emulated in this series by a full-frame digital camera. 仔细注意透视, 对称, 还有负空间, and I look for compositional possibilities through the attributes of light and color. My intention is to create a collection of large format images where the viewer feels compelled to step into each image, giving him or her a chance to visually explore a more personal and intimate experience by the stillness of space and time. 静止 is the act of contemplation, and contemplation transcends into visual silence."


Carlos Limas拥有赌博平台的文学硕士学位, a BA in graphic design from the Instituto Profesional de 艺术e y Diseño in Monterrey, 墨西哥, and a second BA in Studio 艺术 at l’Académie Royale des Beaux-艺术s de Bruxelles in 比利时. 他还完成了在米兰布雷拉学院的驻留, 意大利, 与贫穷艺术艺术家卢西亚诺·法布罗和迭戈·埃斯波西托. 作为一个多学科艺术家, 卡洛斯从事绘画工作, 视频安装, 摄影, 以及平面设计. 利马斯在墨西哥参加过群展和个展, 比利时, 美国, 斯洛伐克, 意大利, 法国, 中国, 和玻利维亚. He has served as the Director of the School of 艺术 Escuela Adolfo Prieto at CONARTE in Monterrey, 墨西哥为艺术界创造了多个项目, 包括当地一档名为CULTURA 010的电视节目. 在赌博平台, Carlos taught digital 摄影 and worked as a gallery coordinator with Professor Maria Elena Macias and the 赌博平台 permanent collection.
Limas还担任FOLD 艺术的官方摄影师, 实践, and Metaphor exhibition curated by Professor Raheleh Filsoofi at three venues, 包括麦卡伦的IMAS博物馆, 德州. Limas is currently the Program Specialist at the Center for Latin American 艺术s, 报道在墨西哥的事件, 秘鲁, 和美国, 在博士的指导下. 凯瑟琳·摩尔·麦卡伦.